Aviles Street Festival
Ximenez- Fatio House Museum Tours
September 8, 2024
1pm and 3pm
Tour the 225-year-old Ximenez-Fatio House Museum with the expertise of a Historic Tour Docent!
Join us as we open our gates and unveil a new exhibit during the Aviles Street Festival, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the bond between St. Augustine, Florida, and Aviles, Spain. Our new exhibit will highlight the Spanish family who first lived in the home and feature a display of memorabilia lent by members of our organization, whose relatives were part of the delegation that visited Aviles 100 years ago for the reinterment of Pedro Menendez.
The Ximenez-Fatio House Museum dates to the Second Spanish Era of Florida. Guests will see what it was like to live in Old St. Augustine from the Spanish Era and United States statehood through Reconstruction. Our historic house museum has been meticulously researched and decorated to reflect what life was like in early Florida.
This guided tour takes approximately 60 minutes.
Upon arrival, guests should report to the Fig Tree Gift Shop to check-in.
We look forward to your visit and thank you for your support!
Important Accessibility Information:
Our main walkways are crushed shell and/or concrete. The Fig Tree Gift Shop is ground level with no step-ups or downs. The ground level of our House Museum is poured concrete and wood flooring. However, due to the historic nature of the building, these can be unlevel in areas and may require step-ups and downs. The second and third levels of our House Museum are only accessible by wooden stairs with railings. The outdoor kitchen and wash house are ground level and accessible. Designated areas for guest seating are provided but limited. Historical furniture and accessories may not be sat upon unless advised so by your guide.